Hey guys!
This week was suuuuuuuuuper busy, more like the last couple
weeks have been super busy. We didn’t have a full day in our proselyting area
until Sunday. We were just constantly at the boats, or at the airport picking
up and dropping off missionaries. And we went to Tahaa for a training with a
branch council and a ward council. Oh and four areas in the zone got “white
washed” so we have been working on damage control with the transitions of the
new missionaries.
The training went great. We really have a great relationship
with the leaders over in the 1st ward plus two branches of Tahaa. They keep asking
us to come back for Firesides and trainings. It has also help motivate them,
and this has resulted in those areas starting have way more success. The
missionaries of Tahaa, Cumorah Ward moved into a new house so we all got
together and had dinner with them. It was really nice to get to know the new
Funny story. We ate at a super awesome oldish member’s house
the other day. And while we we were eating there was an old timey French movie
playing in the room next to us. It seems that the movie was about slavery and stuff,
so throughout the evening my companion and I had to try and not laugh at the
insane amounts of racial slurs coming from the other room. Good thing my comp
has a good humour about that kind of stuff.
Tahitian 101
Funny Tahitian language discovery while talking to a 92 year old lady. The common word for “weed” here is "Pakalolo" which is actually a Hawaiian word. So I asked the mamie how they say it in Tahitian. She said its "Papaateroro." "Papaa" means “to burn” (while cooking) and "te roro" means “the brain.” Hmmm… makes sense. Oh and computer in Tahitian is "Rorouira" which means “electric brain.”
Funny Tahitian language discovery while talking to a 92 year old lady. The common word for “weed” here is "Pakalolo" which is actually a Hawaiian word. So I asked the mamie how they say it in Tahitian. She said its "Papaateroro." "Papaa" means “to burn” (while cooking) and "te roro" means “the brain.” Hmmm… makes sense. Oh and computer in Tahitian is "Rorouira" which means “electric brain.”
This week we have a Zone Conference with President Fox and
the assistants. It will be nice because the four missionaries of Huahine will
fly down to Raeatea for this one normally. It'll give us a chance to meet the
new missionaries. There are a lot of unique challenges when your zone is split
over three islands.
We are teaching the coolest couple ever. They are 24 and 22
years old, and by some miracle they have already been married for four years
and have two little daughters. (co-habitation is very common here). They have
been progressing really well over the last couple months and we are helping
them prepare to be baptized in September. And they both have a solid testimony
of the Book of Mormon. They are probably my favorite Investigators.
Thanks for all you guys do! Love you!
Elder Goodwin
Boat to Tahaa |
And the view from the patio (Cumorah) chapel.
More of the view of Bora from Tahaa, Cumorah Chapel
Little dinner with the 4 missionaries of tahaa. Prepared by the couple that came down to help with the move.
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Elder Omorodion and I on our way to Tahaa |
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Driving the boat! |
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My comp and I wearing Nigerian clothing |